Auto Fraudulent Claims

Finding Fraudulent Patterns

By utilizing analytical tools to find patterns of fraudulent behavior with regards to all the unstructured and structured data influx, payers are detecting fake claims in real time. The return on investment to incorporate such advanced software’s and detective approaches can be gigantic. They are able to analyze complex information and accident scenarios in minutes as compared to days or months before implementing a big data platform.

Fraudulent Claims a Plague for the Auto Insurance Companies

  • Auto insurance claims fraud is a significant problem that has crippled the insurance sector. While insurers have developed effective fraud departments and analytical tools, the reality is that not all fraud is identified by companies. And unidentified fraudulent claims are costing the insurance industry billions of dollars.

  • In such a scenario availing the services of Inniti as a third-party approach can significantly prove to be the turning point. Through our claim analytics service we provide increased consistency in the identification of suspicious claims, help companies uncover new types of fraudulent claim activities, and provide companies with a way to prioritize claims for investigation purposes.
  • By combining transparent statistical techniques with a company’s internal expertise regarding their business, many organizations can take significant steps to detect and prevent future business loss.
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